Goth and be different
Goth ?
Become a goth?
Getting into it..
Weird thinking ?
Misunderstaing goths



  • Goths are usually misunderstood to say the least. Some people call us "Freaks," "Dead," "Vampires," "Weirdoes," "Satanists," "Poseurs," and other remarks. Night might be our favorite time of the entire day, but it doesn't mean that we think that we are dead or that sunlight will make us melt. We are people made of flesh and blood, we just desire the darker side of life more.
  • Goths don't always think that the world is going to end or that they are going to die right this second. However, Goths do tend to have rather dark thoughts.

There is not one type of Goth. Everyone is different and every Goth is unique. Not every Goth is depressed; there are "happy-Goths" which are sometimes called "Githies" (which is a Goth-hippie.) There are however, some depressed Goths which are sometimes referred to as "mopey-Goths" or "normal-Goths." There are "Industrial Goths," that dress industrial-like (which is relatively self-explanatory)


Just because someone is Gothic, that doesn't mean that they won't smile or laugh. Goths are very well known for making sarcastic jokes. Sometimes us GOTHS can be the most humorous type of people
